

Ready to unlock your sewing potential? Join us at the Midsouth Sewing Center for an inspiring journey through classes on topics like the basics of sewing. From mastering the sewing machine to completing your very own skirt, our courses are perfect for beginners and those in need of a refresher. Don't miss out on our opportunities for below:

Knoxville Calendar Murfreesboro Calendar

Events Calendar

Embrilliance with Fay
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 09:30am
Contact Murfreesboro Store 615-893-1800

Are you feeling overwhelmed by Embroidery Software? Discover how easy it is to navigate using Embrilliance Software. Learn to create designs, install BX fonts, align elements, design on a curve, merge designs, delete parts of purchased designs, and more. Embrilliance offers a wide range of capabilities. Make the most of what it can do and create a subway word design.

Teacher Fee:  $30.00.